Lung cancer impacts 1 in 16 men and 1 in 17 women.1
The NeoGenomics lung cancer solution supports the care continuum with tests that detect genomic alterations relevant to diagnosis, therapy selection, prognosis, and clinical trial options.
We meet you and your patients where they are. Whether their disease is early or advanced stage, our lung cancer solution aims to provide the information you need to treat with confidence.
Featured lung cancer solutions
Neo Comprehensive - Solid Tumor
8-10 Days turnaround time
InVisionFirst®-Lung Liquid Biopsy
InVisionFirst®-Lung Liquid Biopsy is a 37-gene NGS-based liquid biopsy to detect oncogenic driver mutations and therapy targets in NSCLC.
7 Days turnaround time
Early-stage NSCLC Panel
The Early-stage NSCLC Panel analyzes 4 relevant and actionable biomarkers through a combination of multi-modality methods: EGFR (PCR), ALK (FISH), ROS1 (FISH), PD-L1 22C3 (IHC).
7 Days turnaround time
Comprehensive testing for aNSCLC patients
The biomarker landscape for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (aNSCLC) has become increasingly complex. As such, clinical practice guidelines recommend utilizing a broad, panel-based approach like next-generation sequencing (NGS) for genomic profiling to help inform treatment decisions and clinical trial availability. With the tremendous growth in FDA-approved targeted therapies and immunotherapies for lung cancer, proper test selection for precision medicine-based patient management is critical.
Our test portfolio includes both liquid and solid tumor testing for NSCLC, allowing for simultaneous or reflex testing with Neo Comprehensive™ - Solid Tumor, a tissue-based test, and InVisionFirst® - Lung (Liquid Biopsy), a blood-based test.
Clinically actionable biomarkers for lung cancer2-4
MSI, microsatellite instability; TMB, tumor mutation burden.
Add-on testing for therapy selection
PD-L1 28-8 FDA for NSCLC
Global: 2 Day, Tech-Only (stain only): 1 Day turnaround time
PD-L1 22C3 FDA for NSCLC
Global: 2 Day, Tech-Only (stain only): 1 Day turnaround time

Concurrent testing
Concurrent testing is a practical and time-saving method for identifying actionable biomarkers for therapy decisions, ensuring fully informed choices for the best possible patient outcomes by expediting the time to treatment and reducing delays due to insufficient tissue.
InVisionFirst® - Lung (Liquid Biopsy) can be ordered either simultaneously with tissue-based testing or as an automated reflex when tissue testing fails.
My liquid biopsy test has potentially bought me several more years that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. That’s something that money can’t buy.
National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program. Cancer stat facts: lung and bronchus cancer. Accessed December 23, 2024.
Suehnholz SP, Nissan MH, Zhang H, et al. Quantifying the expanding landscape of clinical actionability for patients with cancer. Cancer Discov. 2024;14(1):49-65.
Chakravarty D, Gao J, Phillips S, et al. OncoKB: A precision oncology knowledge base. JCO Precis Oncol. 2017;2017:PO.17.00011.
Kim H, Chung JH. PD-L1 testing in non-small cell lung cancer: past, present, and future. J Pathol Transl Med. 2019;53(4):199-206.